This is the 9th post in a series of 10, about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family.
Whiplash 8: Lies We Hear
Over the next several weeks, we will post a total of 10 short articles about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family.
Whiplash 7: Aggravating Factors
Over the next several weeks, we will post a total of 10 short articles about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family.
Whiplash 6: Who's at risk?
Over the next several weeks, we will post a total of 10 short articles about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family.
Whiplash 5: Types of Injury
Over the next several weeks, we will post a total of 10 short articles about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family.
Whiplash 4: Physics and Injury
Over the next several weeks, we will post a total of 10 short articles about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family.
Whiplash 3: Speed
Over the next several weeks, we will post a total of 10 short articles about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family.
Whiplash 2: Rear End Collisions
Over the next several weeks, we will post a total of 10 short articles about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family.
Whiplash 1: Scary Statistics
Over the next several weeks, we will post 10 short articles about whiplash injuries from auto collisions, a poorly understood but all too common injury. Our firm handles many such cases and is committed to informing you so you can protect yourself and your family. 1.) Scary Statistics The term "whiplash" was first used in the 1920's and usually refers to neck injuries caused by the rapid and forceful motion of the head back and forth relative to the body. It is also referred to as "acceleration/deceleration injury" or "extension/hyperflexion injury". The abrupt snapping motion of the head resembles the lash of a whip. Fortunately, whiplash is not typically a life-threatening injury but it can be painful and disabling for months, years or for life. Without even considering the pain, suffering and emotional losses such injuries cause, whiplash injuries cost our economy over $30 billion a year in medical bills, disability, sick leave and lost productivity.Whiplash happens all the time. 3 million Americans a year suffer whiplash and this number continues to grow due to the use of stiffer car seats and the increase in distracted driving. Half of all chronic neck pain in our country is due to car crashes. Think of it this way, the number of people suffering neck injuries from car collisions each year equals the population of South Carolina; the number of people suffering long term neck problems from car accidents each year equals the population of Nebraska; and each year the number of people suffering permanent disability from car accident neck injuries equals the population of Wyoming.To put whiplash injuries into perspective, 60% of all auto crash injuries causing permanent disability are whiplash injuries. In upcoming weeks we will explore the relationship between whiplash and: rear end collisions; the physics of neck injury; injuries in "low-speed" collisions; the type of injuries commonly caused; who is most at risk of serious injury; lies (myths) commonly told about whiplash injuries; what factors make an injury worse; how tow bars are a big risk; and how to protect yourself.
Whiplash is Frequent and Dangerous
People don't take whiplash seriously until they suffer one. These injuries are very frequent, every 15 seconds in the United States, and can cause permanent even progressive injury and pain from even a low speed accident. Cars are getting better at protecting you but trucks or cars with trailer hitches can send all of the force in a rear end collision right to your body. Of great importance in protecting you are the head restraints in your car or truck. Some seats have head rests built in. These are very good at protecting motorists. The adjustable kind MUST be properly adjusted to work well. Place the head rest so the middle of it touches the back of your head, then raise it another inch. The best driving position is with your head 3-4 inches from the head rest. Use them in both the front and back seats. Please keep in mind that people with long thin necks and people with pre-existing neck problems are most subject to injury. Also people whose neck or body is turned at the time of the accident or suffer an unexpected impact are more likely to be injured. Good advice is to choose a safe car and drive safely and always wear your seat beat.